Blackhawk has a history in making the highest quality tactical and outdoor gear in the world. Trusted by military, outdoorsman, and recreational users throughout the world, when you need something to work, Blackhawk never lets you down.
BLACKHAWK!� has done it again, giving you the best of both world�s for traditional looking yet street-tough duty gear. We�ve combined the high performance, light weight and ability to disinfect blood-borne pathogens of nylon and added the traditional look of plain leather duty gear. Now your officers can get the back-saving lightness and all-day comfort of nylon with the crisp molded look of leather duty gear. Only BLACKHAWK!� gives you the strength of our proprietary 5-layer laminate with the integral polymer core for long-lasting service life.
Blackhawk has a history in making the highest quality tactical and outdoor gear in the world. Trusted by military, outdoorsman, and recreational users throughout the world, when you need something to work, Blackhawk never lets you down.
BLACKHAWK!� has done it again, giving you the best of both world�s for traditional looking yet street-tough duty gear. We�ve combined the high performance, light weight and ability to disinfect blood-borne pathogens of nylon and added the traditional look of plain leather duty gear. Now your officers can get the back-saving lightness and all-day comfort of nylon with the crisp molded look of leather duty gear. Only BLACKHAWK!� gives you the strength of our proprietary 5-layer laminate with the integral polymer core for long-lasting service life.
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